Event Sponsorship

The services and support from our Event Sponsors help to make the annual Cedar Creek Reenactment possible. 

Event Sponsorship Form

What benefit are Event Sponsorships to CCBF and the community? For over thirty years, the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation has hosted an annual large-scale reenactment of the Battle of Cedar Creek to commemorate this critical moment during the last months of the American Civil War, and as an annual fundraiser to support the projects fulfilling its Mission to preserve this part of American history. On the third full weekend of October, which often falls very close to the actual anniversary of this engagement, the reenactment is hosted alongside many other activities to remember the men that fought here and to recognize the community that this battle affected. Complimented by educational programs such as presentations, displays, demonstrations, and the personal engagement of the reenactors with members of the general public, this large-scale event offers a unique opportunity to step back in time and gain a new perspective on how this war, which ended nearly 160 years ago, shaped the world we live in today. Every year, we are reminded that this event has become an intergenerational tradition that resonates with local, statewide, and even national audiences who flock to Middletown by the thousands to continue this important thread in the fabric of this region. Since CCBF is an entirely private organization that does not accept State or Federal funding, every sponsorship not only unlocks the benefits outlined in the forms below, but also make an immediate and tangible impression on CCBF’s ability to offer engaging programming, educational opportunities, an improved landscape, walking trails, and lifelong memories. 

This year, CCBF has set the goal of receiving public sponsorship of all 30 of the artillery pieces that qualify to receive a bounty.

Interested in partnering with the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation as an Event Sponsor or to Sponsor an Artillery Piece? For more information about these opportunities, please see the forms linked below, send us an email, or call (540) 869 – 2064.

On behalf of the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation, thank you for your consideration and support!