Spectator/Public Information

The Largest Annual Fundraiser for the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation
The Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation is an entirely private 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to the preservation of the resources and lands related to the 1864 Battle of Cedar Creek. All proceeds from this event support our mission.
Thank you 2025 Reenactment Sponsors!

Join us as history comes to life during this special weekend event on the original grounds, the first preserved piece of the Cedar Creek Battlefield, 161 years to the day after the engagement!
For over thirty years, the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation has hosted an annual large-scale reenactment of the Battle of Cedar Creek to commemorate this critical moment during the last months of the American Civil War. On the third weekend of October, which often falls very close to the actual anniversary of this engagement, the reenactment is hosted alongside many other activities to remember the men that fought here and to recognize the community that this battle affected. Complimented by educational programs such as presentations, displays, demonstrations, and the personal engagement of the reenactors with members of the public, this large-scale event offers a unique opportunity to step back in time and gain a new perspective in how this war, which ended nearly 161 years ago, shaped the world we live in today.
During this two day event, reenactors recreate the last major battle in the Shenandoah Valley. See cavalry, artillery, and infantry soldiers in action and in camp. Battle scenarios, music, presentations, and medical, military, and civilian demonstrations are scheduled each day. Fundraising raffles, merchants, and food vendors onsite!
Ticket Information
Advanced Tickets Can Be Purchased By Clicking The Ticket Icon Below!
Event Hours and Gate Openings
Hourly Event Schedule
Far From Home: A Candlelight Tour of Camp Life
A special after hours tour that begins as the sun sets!
(Saturday at 6:30PM)
$5 Candlelight Tour ticket required. Tickets available at the Information Tent!

Horses Need Rations, Too!
Please consider a donation to support the water and hay rations provided to the war horses that will charge across the Cedar Creek battlefield this October! Each year, CCBF provides drinking water and hay to each cavalry horse. The cost of these materials has increased year over year due to drought and limited supplies available in the Shenandoah Valley. Help us continue to provide the same care and support to these brave and talented reenactment participants by donating today! Each donation can be made anonymously or in someone’s name. Names associated with a donation will be listed in the event program for the 160th Anniversary as a thank you for supporting the care of these beautiful animals and the fundraising efforts of the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation.
"*" indicates required fields
Frequently Asked Questions
Event Address
The event address is 8340 Valley Pike, Middletown, Virginia 22645.
Parking is FREE and included in your admission ticket. This area does not open until 8:45AM, 15 minutes before the event grounds open. Please look for traffic signs and roadside markers to direct you to the Admissions and Parking location opposite the main event grounds.
NO PETS will be permitted on the event grounds. Service animals only.
Handicap Accessibility
A reserved handicap parking area is available only at Admission and Parking for the public. An attendant will direct you to where it is located. A handicap shuttle is available at this location only to assist visitors with accessing the main event grounds and crossing the Valley Pike. There is a property wide shuttle that operates internally on the event grounds following a very wide loop so visitors may access and view additional areas of the grounds. There are steps on the wagon. The event is held on fields that are actively farmed and also contain rocks and other natural formations that cause it to be uneven and ridged.
Seating is not provided to view the battle reenactment, but visitors are welcome to bring their own camping chairs, blankets, and seating arrangements. Seating for all hourly presentations located in the Symposium Tent is provided.
Food Vendors
Multiple food vendors and concessions will be available for the duration of the event.
Bag Check
All bags (coolers, backpacks, purses, diaper bags, etc.) are subject to search prior to accessing the event grounds.
Firearms and Knives
No modern firearms or knives are permitted on the event grounds. Please leave them in your car or at home. The Frederick County Sheriffs Office and Middletown Police Department work diligently to maintain the safety and security of our participants and visitors, and we greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Weather in the Shenandoah Valley in October is often unpredictable and varies despite forecasts. We recommend preparing for high winds, bring an umbrella in case of rain or snow, and dressing warmly with layers in case of cold.
Restroom facilities will be provided by Johnny Blue, Inc. and placed in stationary locations for the duration of the event. Though they will be cleaned repeatedly and restocked of necessary materials, it is always encouraged to pack toilet paper in the unlikely case of emergency.
All trash must be placed in the bag of one of the numerous D&M Container Service trash receptacles that will be located across the event grounds.
Hearing Protection
The event site does not provide hearing protection during battle scenarios and demonstrations. Ear plugs, noise canceling headphones, or other aids may be helpful to small children and those with hearing sensitivity.
Battle Scenarios
For the 2024 reenactment, Command and CCBF Staff are coordinating fresh ways of utilizing the event grounds to bring new life to the battle scenarios. Stay tuned!