Do you have a passion for history, preservation, working with your hands, engaging with your community, or meeting new people from all walks of life? Do you enjoy fresh air and beautiful views of the Shenandoah Valley’s mountainscape? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then volunteering with the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation might be for you!
Here at the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation, there are opportunities to volunteer in many different areas. As a largely volunteer based organization with one full time employee, our volunteers are at the core of everything we do. From daily operations to special event set up and execution, landscape maintenance to fence building, and everything in between, there is always an opportunity to become part of the CCBF volunteer family!
Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to:
Visitor Services
Greet and interact with our daily visitors by providing directions on how to navigate Park resources such as the driving tour, hiking trails, and visitor centers, offering helpful historical context (if comfortable with the material), assisting visitors in the gift shop, sharing information about the CCBF Museum development and programs, lending a hand during the occasional cleaning day, tracking visitation and ensuring that visitors are having memorable experiences, and answering every historic site’s most common question, “Where are the bathrooms?” No two days are the same!
Battlefield Maintenance
Help keep the battlefield landscape pristine by repairing fences, preventing overgrown vegetation on trails and historic resources, litter removal, tree clearing, gardening, interpretive sign cleaning, and more! Tasks can be mixed and matched based on personal preferences and an individual’s physical comfort level.
Library and Archives
Assist with developing a Library Catalog, organizing reference resources, supervising and assisting visitors during research appointments, navigating the archive, and assisting with maintaining these resources for the benefit of the public.
An interest or background in history is always a plus, but not necessary to become a CCBF volunteer. Our volunteers come from many different backgrounds, with an enjoyment of working together on CCBF’s many vital preservation and community projects at the core. Though our facilities are open to the public Thursday through Monday, 10:00AM to 5:00PM, volunteer schedules are flexible and customizable. For example, some volunteers are present for a full day on a weekly basis, some for a few hours during days they are available, and others only during special events as needed. We are happy to discuss these many options!
Help us make a difference in our community and for the preservation of historic green spaces!

Interested in volunteering with the Cedar Creek Battlefield Foundation?
Volunteer Application
Please use the introductory digital form below OR the full printable PDF to submit your Volunteer Application. More details may be requested to accompany the introductory form. For an example of information that may be requested, please reference the complete PDF Application linked at the bottom of this page. Thank you!
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Please complete the full PDF Volunteer Application below and return it to our Museum and Visitor Center.